In the summer of 2019/20, like so many families across Australia, we were unfortunate to lose my parents home of almost 20 years in the coastal hamlet of Rosedale on the South Coast near Batemans Bay. Fortunately, we were all in Canberra at the time, but that meant there was no time to save anything from the home before the fire front hit.

The Williams' home after the fires.

The Williams' home before... (image from google street view).
We then spent much of last year planning and designing their replacement home, researching BAL ratings and bushfire build requirements, while trying to work out cost effective ways to achieve a "home amongst the gum trees" feel on their elevated block.
As part of researching for the rebuild of this home, and another Rosedale rebuild that Reine designed with my support (through Light House Architecture and Science), I was able to work with colleagues Sarah Lebner and Christine Palmer and Bushfire practitioner Jeff Dau to prepare a new advisory note for the Australian Institute of Architects - "Site planning and design for bushfire".
The advisory note is available for free to members of public on the Institute of Architects bushfire response webpage here:
Or via direct link here: